Viladecans. (50% Remote)
What will your day to day be like?
You will be part of one of the strategic teams of the client company being part of the digital transformation process of a major airline group with international presence.
You will support our product teams by providing guidance on how the user will consume the product. This may include design, information architecture, navigation principles and considerations such as usability and accessibility.
When working with subject matter experts, you will be key to leading a Design Thinking mindset to understand and capture user needs by helping the product owner extract pain points in terms of a product backlog.
You will continue to represent the voice of the end user in product development, being responsible for developing the client design system using Atomic design principles, supporting the efficient deployment of UI and technical components through reuse. · You will work within an environment of best practices and accessibility and usability standards used in all products.
You will set up the visual structure of products to meet the needs of a user.
You will be able to support transversally in the UX UI design process.
You will participate in user-centred design sessions with our customers (Business OpCos) and potentially representative user representatives.
You will be responsible for ensuring that the delivered work is aligned with the product workflow and story.
Diseño UX UI
Tipo de empleo
Jornada Completa
Tipo de contrato
Experience in the design lifecycle, preferably in UX.
High level of English.
Senior profile with experience in tasks like the above.
Experience with different tools such as Mural, Atomic Design, Figma, Sketch and Zeplin, and Adobe Creative Suite.
We are looking for a person able to communicate design ideas to different business stakeholders and technical teams, and with the ability to explain the benefits of the UX discipline and the value it has in the products developed.
What can we offer you?
Opportunity to develop professionally in a technological and innovative environment at an international level.
Teleworking 50%.
You will work in a pleasant and challenging work environment, surrounded by colleagues who will help you to overcome challenges within the projects where you will develop.
We offer opportunities for professional growth with individualised career plans aligned with training and certifications paid by the company and designed for your professional and personal development
Flexible remuneration (medical insurance, transport tickets, restaurant vouchers and childcare vouchers) and access to a network of gyms and sports centers at a special price through the company.
Be part of a company that is committed to equality and diversity.
What will be the challenge? ·
We are seeking different professionals with UXUI Designer profile (Senior) to join our international design team. As a UXUI Designer, together with the team, you will represent the voice of the end user in product development interactions, taking responsibility for the component design approach and the design system used in the product solutions of our client, one of the largest international airline groups.
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