Viladecans (50% remote) As the Product Lead you will define and drive AI product strategy for Procurement operations in multinational airline projects, working closely with your nearest stakeholders and the Product team you will lead. Your good working knowledge of Product and Agile, combined with experience around Procurement is what will set you up for success in the role. You will be an integral member of our Agile Team, acting as the primary voice of the customer. Your role is pivotal in liaising with Product Management and various stakeholders.
Prepare for Program Increment (PI) planning events, update the team(s) backlog and contribute to the programme vision, roadmap, and content presentations
Support program backlog refinement and prep for Program Increment (PI) planning and plays a significant role in the planning event itself
Determine their team Program Increment objectives together with the entire Agile team(s)
Build, edit, and maintain the team backlog.
Communicate user story detail and priorities and ensures the team aligns and agrees on a final iteration plan.
Collaborate with the product team(s) to detail stories with acceptance criteria and examples in the form of acceptance tests (Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD))
Validate that user stories meets acceptance criteria, ensuring that it complies with the Definition of Done (DoD)
Understand the scope of upcoming enabler work and collaborate with Solution Architects/Engineering to assist with decision-making and sequencing
Participate in team demos and retrospectives with their team(s) and any other stakeholders including the Iteration Retrospectives, with the aim of improving Agile Release Train’s (ART’s), processes and working practices
Work across teams to define and implement improvement stories that will increase the velocity and quality of the program
Attend the relevant Product Management events for planning and Program Backlog/Visionrefinement
Diseño UX UI
Tipus d'ocupació
Jornada Completa
Tipus de contracte
Qualifications: & Experience
Proven experience of working as a Product Owner/Lead in a SAFe Agile environment, with strong understanding of Agile ceremonies.
Desired: Recognised Agile qualifications (SAFe)
Experience of working in a business and technology delivery Environment
Collaboration with portfolio management and business owners to define the Portfolio Epic and its Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Demonstrable experience of documentation, which must include Scope Statements, Epics and User Stories.
Fluent written and spoken English.
Availability to travel internationally.
What we offer?
Permanent contract.
Opportunity to develop professionally in a technological and internationally innovative environment.
50% remote work and 50% in-office at our Viladecans location.
Working hours: 09:00 to 17:00.
You will work in a pleasant and challenging work environment, surrounded by colleagues who will help you overcome challenges within the projects where you will grow.
We offer professional growth opportunities with individualized career plans aligned with company-sponsored training and certifications designed for your professional and personal development.
Flexible compensation (health insurance, transportation vouchers, meal vouchers, and daycare checks) and access to a network of gyms and sports centers at a special price through the company.
Be part of a company that champions equality and diversity.
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